Proper OA Visitation / Shark Tank

Unit visitations are the first glimpse a new scout gets to see of your lodge. Work with experienced leaders on how to refine your visitations and receive tips on how to improve it. Compete against other lodges in the Shark Tank competition!

Strengthening your Chapter

Chapters are a key focal point of a large Lodge. Learn how to strengthen the chapters in your Lodge from experienced chapter leaders. Learning Objectives:

Program for Induction Weekends

Learn how to provide a quality weekend program for candidates, recently inducted members, and long-timemembers alike. Learning Objectives:

Importance of Publications

Learn how publications and written content can shape the way the Order of the Arrow is viewed. Learning Objectives

Deeper look into our Ceremonies

Gain a deeper understanding of our Pre-Ordeal and Ordeal ceremonies. Each movement has a purpose and a deeper meaning…. Learning Objectives:

Brotherhood Recruitment

Learn how to raise your Brotherhood commitment rate and provide a quality Brotherhood experience. Learning Objectives: